Robot Gallery

バリ高いところ届くっちゃけん Reach Very High!

VIVITA ROBOCON in Tokyo 2023 VIVITA ROBOCON in Tokyo 2023
ラーメンはバリカタ! I love ramen as BARIKATA!

開発者 Developer

さにぃ Sunny





VIVITA ROBOCON in TOKYO 2023において最も難易度の高い技に挑戦することを最終目標に挑んだ今回のロボット製作。






























































そして、知らないところで応援グッズ作って、会場でもリモートでも応援してくれたVIVISTP HAKATAのメンバー・クルーのみんな、本当にありがとう!!!




Hello, I’m Sunny, a crew member of VIVISTOP HAKATA!

Carry can to a high place while standing up.

This time, we built a robot with the ultimate goal of challenging the most difficult feat at the VIVITA ROBOCON in TOKYO 2023.

At the Robocon, the robot was able to carry an empty can to a high place without any problems! (A relief).

Here are some of the issues that arose during the construction phase and the things we thought of to solve them.

An arm that can carry multiple empty cans at once.

It is inefficient to go back and forth between the starting position and the target position, so let’s carry several cans at once,” I said to my partner Mimi! I talked with Mimi, my partner, and we decided on the target.

But we could only place one empty can at each location. If we were to carry the cans between them like Template Robot, we couldn’t place one can at a time….

Then I thought of the airport baggage claim area.

Oh, that’s right, if you slide them out, they come out one by one!

So, we decided to build a robot that could carry several cans at once and send them out one by one by using “caterpillars” to hold the cans between both sides.

The finished product is shown in the photo below.

It wasn’t particularly difficult, but I had to position the gearbox in a different vertical orientation than usual, so the other crew members helped me with that alignment. Thanks!

The mechanism of the arm going up and down

The most distinctive feature of this robot is the mechanism of the arm that goes up and down.

Let me say at the outset that it was a very difficult task.

Proposal 1:

Four pillars with caterpillar rails are set up, and jagged tires are attached to gears connected to the arm body.

→The arm itself is equipped with four gearboxes and is too heavy to lift.

Elevation plan (2):

Replace the gear that rotates the caterpillar of the arm with a lighter one.

→The torque of the gear is too small to rotate enough to roll in an empty can. The gearbox to rotate the arm must be a conventional heavy one…

Elevation plan (3):

Shift to an elevator type (suspended type).

With caterpillar rail, there are many weight problems because the gearbox and other components must be installed on the arm itself. Therefore, we designed a mechanism in which a gear box, etc., is mounted on the ceiling, and the arm itself, suspended by a string from above, is hoisted up and down.

→As a result of experiments, four gearboxes are enough to wind up the arm. However, when lowering the arm, the arm side is heavy and tilts at an angle, so the main body inevitably gets caught and does not lower properly…

At this point, it was the day before the due date when we had to mail the robot to Tokyo. Well, it’s going to have to be done somehow! I prayed and sent the robot to Tokyo.

Then, on the day of the show, we adjusted the speed of the gearbox for winding up, and here was the last resort!

We went to Operation Nurunuru.

I borrowed some beeswax from Kassy and smeared it on the robot to reduce friction when lowering the arm itself.

This was the first time to operate a robot I had made myself, but it was my first time to operate it in a production. I was really anxious about what would happen, but to my 、、、、 surprise, it miraculously moved!

I was relieved and relieved that I could successfully carry the empty cans to a high place.

But then I realized that I had only a short time left. I’m going to get a perfect score! I immediately felt sorry for not reaching the goal that Miimi and I had set.

Next year, I want to make a robot that can get a perfect score! To get a perfect score, I need to practice more!


Sorry for the long sentence.

I would like to write one last thing that I have carried through in this robot making!

Don’t use money to buy parts to solve the problem!

The arm itself is too heavy to go up and down… If you have such an issue, just buy a stronger gearbox! is the solution that everyone comes up with.

It’s a quick solution, but it’s not fun! I will definitely make it with what I have here!

Is that the pride of people who like to make things? The pride of people who love to make things?

“Let’s make it with what we have in VIVISTOP HAKATA!

We kept this belief and put our ingenuity to the test, and somehow we managed to make it to the final production stage.

When there is nothing you want, it is important to think about whether you can make it with what is around you before buying it with money, and it is fun and interesting when you can make it without buying it.

I hope that these things were conveyed to the children of the members. I wonder if they get it. I don’t think anyone is looking at it that way. (Laughs)

Finally, the VIVITA Robocon Tokyo was a lot of fun!

Thanks to Miimi, who worked hard with me as a teammate!

Thanks also to everyone from all over the country and the world who made the competition so much fun as my opponents!

Thanks to Kassy and everyone at VIVITA for the advice.

And thanks to all the members and crew of VIVISTP HAKATA who made support goods without my knowledge and cheered me up both at the venue and remotely!





